The Most Famous Female Artist, Ranked

Choose the female artist you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 25, 2024 07:43
The cultural landscape is richly painted with the contributions of female artists whose talents span across various mediums and genres. Ratings of these artists provide a snapshot of public appreciation and recognition, offering insights into how their creativity resonates across different audiences. This serves not just as a celebration of achievement, but also as an informative guide for those looking to explore the works of renowned female creatives. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a dynamic and constantly updated list that reflects current preferences and trends. This process not only amplifies the voices of participants but also helps to highlight artists who might not yet be in the mainstream spotlight. Voting is a powerful way to support the arts and recognize the impact of these talented individuals.

Who Is the Most Famous Female Artist?

  1. 2

    Georgia O'Keeffe

    American artist known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism."
    • Nationality: American
    • Born: November 15, 1887
    • Died: March 6, 1986
  2. 3

    Mary Cassatt

    American painter and printmaker known for her paintings of women, oftentimes mothers and children, showcasing the intimate bonds between them.
    • Nationality: American
    • Born: May 22, 1844
    • Died: June 14, 1926
  3. 4

    Yayoi Kusama

    Japanese contemporary artist who works primarily in sculpture and installation, but is also active in painting, performance, film, fashion, poetry, fiction, and other arts. Her work is based on conceptual art and shows attributes of feminism, minimalism, surrealism, Art Brut, pop art, and abstract expressionism.
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Born: March 22, 1929
  4. 5

    Artemisia Gentileschi

    Italian Baroque painter, today considered one of the most accomplished seventeenth-century artists, working in the dramatic Caravaggio style.
    • Nationality: Italian
    • Born: July 8, 1593
    • Died: circa 1656
  5. 6

    Barbara Hepworth

    English artist and sculptor. Her work exemplifies Modernism and in particular modern sculpture. She was one of the few female artists to achieve international prominence.
    • Nationality: English
    • Born: January 10, 1903
    • Died: May 20, 1975
  6. 7

    Tracey Emin

    English artist known for her autobiographical and confessional artwork. Emin produces work in a variety of media including drawing, painting, sculpture, film, photography, neon text and sewn appliqué.
    • Nationality: English
    • Born: July 3, 1963
  7. 8

    Louise Bourgeois

    French-American artist best known for her large-scale sculpture and installation art, but also for her painting and drawing. Her work is deeply influenced by her childhood and relationships.
    • Nationality: French-American
    • Born: December 25, 1911
    • Died: May 31, 2010
  8. 9

    Agnes Martin

    Canadian-born American abstract painter often referred to as a minimalist; Martin considered herself an abstract expressionist. She is best known for her monochromatic square paintings on large canvases.
    • Nationality: Canadian-American
    • Born: March 22, 1912
    • Died: December 16, 2004
  9. 10

    Tamara de Lempicka

    Polish painter known for her polished Art Deco portraits, and highly stylized paintings. De Lempicka is best known for her portraits and nudes in a modern style characterized by the combination of bold technique and decorative quality.
    • Nationality: Polish
    • Born: May 16, 1898
    • Died: March 18, 1980

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous female artist. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or artistess is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 165 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each artistess once every 24 hours. The rank of each artistess is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Female Artist

Frida Kahlo
Rank #1 for the most famous female artist: Frida Kahlo (Source)
Art has always been a powerful form of expression. Among the many artists who have shaped its course, female artists hold a special place. Their stories are often a mix of struggle and triumph. They have faced barriers but have also broken them. Their work speaks of their unique perspectives and experiences.

In the early days, women found it hard to enter the art world. Societal norms restricted their roles. Education in arts was often denied to them. Despite this, some women managed to learn and create. They often worked in the shadows, not seeking fame but driven by passion.

As time passed, some female artists began to gain recognition. They brought fresh ideas and new techniques. Their work stood out because it offered a different view of the world. They painted, sculpted, and crafted with a distinct voice. This voice spoke of their lives, their dreams, and their struggles.

The art world began to change. More women started to receive training in arts. They entered art schools and studied with great masters. They learned the skills and techniques needed to create masterpieces. Their work began to be exhibited in galleries and museums. Critics and patrons started to take note.

These female artists did not just follow trends. They set them. They experimented with styles and forms. They pushed the boundaries of what art could be. Their work often challenged societal norms. It made people think and question. It was bold and innovative.

The impact of these artists went beyond their art. They inspired other women to pursue their passions. They showed that talent and hard work could overcome barriers. They became role models for future generations.

Today, female artists continue to make significant contributions. They work in various mediums and styles. They address a wide range of themes. Their work reflects the diversity of their experiences. They continue to innovate and inspire.

The journey of female artists is a testament to their resilience and creativity. They have carved out a place for themselves in the art world. Their work is celebrated and studied. It has left a lasting mark on the history of art.

Despite the progress, challenges remain. Female artists still face obstacles. They often have to work harder to gain recognition. They continue to fight for equal opportunities and representation. Their journey is ongoing.

The art world is richer because of female artists. Their unique perspectives add depth and variety. Their stories are a reminder of the power of perseverance and creativity. They have shown that art knows no gender. It is a universal language that speaks to all.

The legacy of female artists is a source of inspiration. It encourages us to appreciate and support diverse voices in art. It reminds us of the importance of inclusion and equality. The art world continues to evolve, and female artists play a crucial role in its growth. Their contributions will continue to inspire and influence for generations to come.

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