The Most Beautiful Girl in the Mahabharata, Ranked

Choose the girl you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 8, 2024 07:33
Ancient texts often leave us in awe with their vivid character portrayals, sparking dialogues about their qualities, including beauty. When considering epic narratives like the Mahabharata, the allure of its characters isn't merely about their looks but the enchanting stories that surround them. This forms a rich tapestry of history and myth, where the concept of beauty transcends mere physical descriptions and weaves in the strength, virtue, and essence of the characters. By participating in a ranking of these legendary figures based on beauty, participants engage in an act of interpretation that is both personal and reflective of broader cultural appreciations. Your votes help to highlight which qualities stand out most to contemporary audiences and contribute to a lively discussion about the narrative’s impact today. This dynamic ranking offers a fresh perspective each time someone casts their vote, reshaping our understanding of beauty in the Mahabharata’s context.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Girl in the Mahabharata?

  1. 1


    Draupadi is renowned for her unparalleled beauty and is considered the most beautiful woman in the Mahabharata. She was the wife of the five Pandavas and played a crucial role in the epic.
    • Also known as: Panchali
    • Born from: Fire
  2. 2


    Subhadra, sister of Krishna and Balarama, and wife of Arjuna, is celebrated for her beauty. She is also the mother of Abhimanyu.
    • Brother: Krishna
    • Son: Abhimanyu
  3. 3


    Satyavati was the wife of King Shantanu and the great-grandmother of the Pandavas and Kauravas. She was known for her striking beauty and the fishy smell that emanated from her body before meeting Shantanu.
    • Son: Vyasa
    • Unique trait: Fishy smell
  4. 4


    Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, was known for her beauty and wisdom. She had the boon to invoke gods to bear children.
    • Boon: Invoke gods
    • First son: Karna
  5. 5


    Amba was the eldest of the three princesses of Kashi, known for her beauty. She played a pivotal role in the lead-up to the battle of Kurukshetra.
    • Kingdom: Kashi
    • Reincarnation: Shikhandi
  6. 6


    Hidimbi was a Rakshasi (demoness) who married Bhima and was the mother of Ghatotkacha. Despite her origins, she was known for her beauty and gentleness.
    • Husband: Bhima
    • Son: Ghatotkacha
  7. 7


    Chitrangada, the princess of Manipura, was another wife of Arjuna. She is noted for her beauty and martial skills.
    • Kingdom: Manipura
    • Skill: Martial arts
  8. 8


    Ganga, the celestial river goddess, was the first wife of King Shantanu. She is revered for her divine beauty.
    • Husband: Shantanu
    • Son: Bhishma
  9. 9


    Uloopi was a Naga princess and one of Arjuna's wives. Known for her ethereal beauty, she played a significant role in Arjuna's life during his exile.
    • Kingdom: Nagas
    • Marriage: Arjuna
  10. 10


    Uttara, the daughter of King Virata, is known for her beauty and grace. She was married to Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna.
    • Father: King Virata
    • Husband: Abhimanyu

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful girl in the Mahabharata. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or girl is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 159 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each girl once every 24 hours. The rank of each girl is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Girl in the Mahabharata

Rank #1 for the most beautiful girl in the Mahabharata: Draupadi (Source)
The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic, is a treasure trove of stories and characters. Among these, the tale of the most beautiful girl is compelling. Her beauty is legendary, captivating many hearts and influencing key events in the epic.

Born into a noble family, she was known for her grace and charm. From a young age, her beauty was evident. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence, and her smile could light up a room. Her presence was magnetic, drawing admiration from all who saw her. She was not just physically beautiful; her inner qualities made her stand out even more.

Her beauty was not without consequences. Many suitors sought her hand in marriage, each one hoping to win her favor. This competition led to tension and conflict, as powerful men vied for her attention. Her father, a wise and respected man, knew the importance of choosing the right husband for her. He devised a test to determine the most worthy suitor, ensuring that only the best would win her hand.

The test was challenging, requiring not only physical strength but also intelligence and skill. Many tried and failed, but one man succeeded. He won her hand, and their union was celebrated with great joy. However, their happiness was short-lived. The political landscape of the time was tumultuous, and their marriage became a pawn in the larger game of power and control.

Despite the challenges, she remained strong and resilient. Her beauty, combined with her wisdom and grace, made her a beloved figure. She played a crucial role in the events that unfolded, influencing decisions and shaping the course of the epic. Her presence was a reminder of the power of beauty and the importance of inner strength.

Throughout the Mahabharata, her story is a testament to the complexities of human relationships and the impact of beauty. She was more than just a pretty face; she was a symbol of grace, strength, and resilience. Her legacy continues to inspire, reminding us that true beauty lies not only in appearance but also in character and spirit.

Her story is interwoven with themes of love, duty, and sacrifice. She faced many trials and tribulations, but she never wavered in her resolve. Her beauty was both a blessing and a curse, bringing her joy and sorrow in equal measure. Yet, through it all, she remained true to herself, embodying the virtues of loyalty, courage, and wisdom.

In the end, her tale is one of triumph over adversity. She navigated the complexities of her world with grace and dignity, leaving a lasting impression on all who knew her. Her beauty was a gift, but her true strength lay in her character and spirit. She remains one of the most memorable figures in the Mahabharata, a shining example of the power of inner beauty and resilience.

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